
My first grazenibble box

Just got my first grazenibble box through the door and I am now nibbling on the tasty honey cashew nuts, yum.

My boss told me about the company graze.com which delivers grazenibble box or grazefruit box to you. The recyclable box is thin enough to go through any standard letterboxes on front doors so there is no need to sign for it! Great!

There is a massive range of fruit, nuts, dried fruit etc you can choose from. Once you have signed up, you will be able to pick what you like and what you don't like. (you won't get told off by being picky!! Once you have "binned" the same ingredient a couple of times, it even asks you if you would want to "bin" all choices include this ingredient! Attentive!)

It's £2.99 a box. My first box is free and my second box will be half price as I used a voucher code from my boss. I think I may stick with it for a little while as there is no commitment and the frequency of delivery can be quite flexible. I have set mine to fortnightly so even if I am a bit slow nibbling away, I won't have too much left in the house. (nibbling too slowly? is that possible?)

Anybody in the UK fancies trying it out, feel free to use the code they have given me: 3KVZD5X
The code will give you the first box free and the next one half price. When you use it, I get a little bit discount as well! ;-)

Happy grazing!

(I think I may start the wasabi peas next...... before my hubby comes up to pinch it all!)



星期六本來是要回威爾斯替龍弟慶祝生日,但星期六早上知道龍弟這星期不回家,我們也決定待復活節才回去。 由於安排好了要離家三天,計劃忽然改了,在家裡有點不知該做什麼才好。想要做蛋糕,可是家裡除了半把蔥就什麼都沒有,所以便決定做蔥油烙餅。這次比以前做輕鬆得多了,因為麵糰是用麵包機揉的,不用肩膊受苦。捲到最後一個,蔥用完了,所以就放了很多很多黑胡椒,吃起來還挺好吃的啊! 前幾天跟好友小白在網路上聊天,她問起最近天氣如何,我說沒那麼冷了,有點陽光,花也長出來了,可以感到春天的氣息。小白說﹕「花都長出來﹖說得你好像住在鄉村一樣的。」哈哈,說真的現在住的地方是有一點點鄉村風味。昨天出去時看到外面長出來的小花,忍不住摘了幾朵帶到屋裡頭,也給家帶來一點春天氣息。


Long time no blog

原來還差兩天就整整五個月沒有更新心迷廚房,我和大龍都別來無恙件。這幾個 月發生了什麼事,來個簡單的概括。
  • 去年十一月單獨回港三個星期,探望了家人朋友,參加了表哥跟May佛時的婚禮﹔還盡情購物,戰利品包括八對鞋
  • 大龍的論文終於搞定,成了博士龍
  • 照慣例回威爾斯過聖誕及替龍爸賀壽,還好聖誕前下雪下到我不能上班,這才有時間做聖誕卡﹔龍爸今年的生日蛋糕以威爾斯龍為主題,他差點沒開心得跳起!
  • 聖誕節大龍送我的其中一份禮物是一本有關健力士黑啤的書,裡面有食譜,所以從威爾斯回來做的第一道菜就是健力士黑啤燉牛肉﹕
  • 我繼續學習,功課交了兩份了
  • 在大龍生日的那天,我考獲駕照啊!大龍沒想過我第一次考就合格,他比我還興奮﹔其實周圍的人都比我興奮
  • 因為一月大雪的關係,很多羽毛球賽都改期﹔這陣子差不多每晚都打球呢
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