

蠔菇和玉子豆腐常常都用蠔汁煮,這次搞搞新意思,加了茄子配上黑椒汁,讚! 分享一下昨天讀報時讀到的一段可愛新聞(文字擷取至BBC新聞網)﹕ Blind rescue dog has 'guide dog' A dog rescue centre in Norfolk is trying to find a new home for a blind sheepdog and its "guide dog". The two border collies, called Bonnie and Clyde, were found roaming on a country road. It was not immediately clear why one followed the other. Cherie Cootes, from Meadowgreen Dog Rescue Centre, in Hales, near Loddon, said they could not be separated. She discovered that Bonnie led Clyde, who had lost his sight because of a degenerative disease. "If Clyde's unsure where he is, he will suddenly go behind Bonnie and put his face on the back of her so she can guide him, he totally relies on her," said Ms Cootes. There's no option of homing them separately. They've got to go as a pair Cherie Cootes, Meadowgreen Dog Rescue Centre. "And when she walks she tends to stop and make sure he's there - she does look out for him. "When she's about you wouldn't notice he is blind, but when she's not about he refuses to move. "There's no option of homing them separately. They've got to go as a pair." The dogs were found running through Blundeston, near Lowestoft in Suffolk, during a storm three weeks ago. Neither Clyde, who is thought by the rescue centre workers to be about five years old, nor Bonnie, whose estimated age is two or three, had identifying collars or chips.



有晚大龍去打skittle比賽(可以說是迷你保齡吧),便做了這個簡易的巧克力蛋糕給他作點心。以前都有做過這蛋糕,都是放巧克力粒的,這次手邊有花生M&M,便乾脆放到蛋糕裡頭了。為什麼會這麼方便有花生M&M﹖因為我最近吃花生M&M吃到上癮,一次可以吃完一包家庭裝,摸摸自己肚皮﹕「這樣吃法,遲早要節食減肥!」 材料﹕
  • 自發粉……200克
  • 糖粉(caster sugar)……100克
  • 植物牛油(室溫放軟)……100克
  • 可可粉……1½湯匙
  • 雞蛋……2隻
  • 牛奶……2湯匙
  • 花生M&M/巧克力粒……適量
  • 焗爐預熱180C
  • 非常簡單!除了花生M&M,全部材料拌勻至沒有乾粉
  • 倒入焗盤,將花生M&M排放在麵糊上
  • 入爐焗30-40分鐘,或至插入竹簽抽出沒有沾粘



英國正值減價季節,昨天跟大龍出去敗家,給他添置些新衣物﹔他好幾件上衣都有洞洞了耶,再不買人家以為我刻薄他。買了一件襯衣後大龍說不要再看了,因為不想一次買太多,遲些再買。這個是什麼邏輯呀﹖我說﹕「現在減價不買,等貨價回升才買呀﹖那不是要花冤枉錢﹖」 最後他買了兩件減至半價的襯衣,我買了一條減到5英鎊的牛仔褲!其實大龍還想要買牛仔褲,他只剩下一條沒有洞洞的。以前他出入踏單車,很多時候褲襠都會磨損穿洞,這個我明白﹔可是現在開車,褲襠還是一樣會穿到爛。最近穿爛的一條好像買了還沒有兩年,拿起來看到在褲襠比我臉還要大的洞,實在是吃驚不了﹕「老公,你褲子是怎麼穿的呀﹖牛仔褲都可以爛成這個樣子﹖﹖」
有日午飯外出,市中心有人免費派送一小盒一小盒的甜酸點醬﹔既然不用錢,我當然不甘後人,拿了兩小盒回家。 當晚就用了一小盒來做晚餐。薯角煎香,倒入點醬,在鑊中拌至每塊薯角都沾到醬就可以了。本來簡單的煎三文魚配薯角,加了一點點甜酸點醬就變得不一樣了!大龍說﹕讚!
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