
Coffee Geek

I can still remember the first sip of my coffee. It was a cup of freshly ground and brewed coffee. Since then, I fell in love with it. However, the first taste was so good, I then couldn't find any coffee as good as that.

When I was old enough, I started going to Starbucks with friends, leaving MacDonald behind. However, paying that much money, most of the time I prefer MacDonald's coffee to Starbucks'. Because in MacDonald I am only paying what the coffee is worth but not an overpriced crap coffee.

I constantly get disappointed with Cappuccino. It's either too bitter or too cool. It's so obvious that those so-called coffee enthusiasts do not warm the mug up, put too much espresso and the milk is probably not steamed. So I avoid having Cappuccino at coffee places, only have a Mocha or hot chocolate all the time. At least these are sweet; I don’t think there is much can go wrong in them.

NOW, I have started making my own coffee. I am a complete beginner in coffee making but I am getting more and more into it.

The bad thing about this is not only the caffeine but also the money you can spend on it.

I started off buying a cafetiere; then a coffee grinder and on the weekend I bought an espresso pot and got a free milk frother off a food magazine. (The milk frother is PINK!) I haven't really spent that much money on coffee making but you can spend some serious money if you are really fussy about it.

I have got a Bodum made coffee grinder. I bought it just because it was cheap, only £10. Most reviews I have read recommended burr because it gives a more uniform grind of the beans. This is very true. The Bodum one I have got is a blade one, the grind of the beans really is not uniform. But I think this is something I can live with because I am only using a cafetiere.

Having made freshly ground and brewed everyday coffee, I am now up for another challenge: making fresh Cappuccino and Latte. These coffee variations are espresso based. Supposedly espresso can be made by using a cafetiere. However, I wanted to go for a more authentic way. So I bought an espresso pot.

Problem starts here. Without one of those fancy espresso & cappuccino maker, I cannot steam and froth the milk by using pressure. All I can do is to use a milk pan to heat up the milk and use my freebie to froth it. I haven’t tried making it but I hope it will go well or I can just sell them on on ebay. LOL



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