

冰箱裡一直冰著兩塊鴨胸,差點都忘記了它們的存在﹔幸好大龍忽然想要吃鴨,這才想起家裡有現成存貨。 鴨皮割花後,撒下調味,放入平底鑊香煎,簡單!不過每次煎鴨胸時,鴨皮都會分泌出大量油份,周邊總是彈滿了油,每次都要努力清潔。做這個晚餐時剛巧天氣暖和,便清清新新簡簡單單的用了買了一個星期的特價芒果,配上新鮮紅辣椒碎和香菜(芫茜),混入酷斯酷斯,顏色好看還有點夏天的氣氛呢! 不過天氣就只是暖和了幾天,這陣子都時忽冷忽熱,忽晴忽雨的,好期待夏天啊!

2 則留言:

  1. very refreshing, mango with couscous. is the couscous cold or hot when served?? kind of funny to imagine the texture of hot couscous mixed with mango.

    btw do u get yellow juicy mango in the UK or those green hard mango (i only get the later one in germany), so i used canned mango if i miss the HK-style mango.

  2. To Staphany,

    The couscous was served hot. I actually caramalised the mango a little bit before I stirred in other ingredients. I once served pan-fried duck breast with a mango salsa and my hubby complaint that it was COLD!(of course, salsa is cold......)

    The one I got was actually the green hard mango but I tend to leave it to ripe for a bit longer so it gets a bit softeer (not till it's black obviously, haha).

    I did get some yellow juicy mangoes from an asian grocery store before. It was so delicious!!!


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