

龍﹕「老婆。」 我﹕「嗯﹖」 龍﹕「小老婆。」 我﹕「ah? What do you want to say?」 龍﹕「Little wife. You are little so you are little wife.」 我﹕「but you can't call me 小老婆 because it means mistress.」 ........................................................... 因為上面小老婆的對話,便教了他妾侍、二奶、三奶等等。 龍﹕「I have many mistresses.」 我﹕「How many have you got then?」 龍﹕「I have 二奶、三奶、五奶.」 我﹕「Where is 四奶﹖」 龍﹕「Oh!」忽然意識到數漏了四。「She has run off.」 我﹕「You should promote 五奶 then.」 龍﹕「That's true...... no no no, she will need to have training before she can have a promotion.」 ........................................................... 龍﹕「好索!好正!靚爆鏡!」 我﹕「Can you stop saying that? You have been saying these all the time.」(朋友教他的……) 龍﹕「我係靚仔。我愛你,靚爆鏡!」 我﹕「哈哈哈哈……」 ........................................................... 我﹕「You know how to say different part of your body in Cantonese, right? If you have a pain, you can say 痛, so what do you say when you have a headache?」 龍﹕「頭痛。」 我﹕「What else?」 龍﹕「耳仔痛、手痛、腳痛、pat pat痛、嘟嘟痛……」 我﹕「Hang on, what are you thinking now???」 ........................................................... 我﹕「When you want to say things in a pair, you can say 一對.」 龍﹕「一對手。」 我﹕「Good.」 龍﹕「一對波波。」 我﹕「What?」 龍(賊笑)﹕「一對大波波。」 我﹕「Do you only have 波波 in your head?」

3 則留言:

  1. 大龍的廣東話真是愈來愈叻,好難係佢面前用廣東話講佢d野喇....

  2. 佢仲識講好多唔出得街的廣東話呢!不過講得最叻都係點心名,哈哈!


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